Last Updated on 2024-10-21

概要 Overview


There is a mixture of historic and modern buildings, each with its own character. The campus consists of six areas, some of which have steep slopes.

地区情報 Area Information

地区Map(建物配置、坂道、階段、障害者用駐車場), 地区内建物インデックス など
Layout,Slopes,Stairs,Disable reserved parking lots,Index of buildings

地区配置  Area Layout

入口(門) Gate Information


正門 Main Gate

蔵前会館通用門 Tokyo Tech Front Gate

南門 South Gate

車椅子で通り抜けができません。向かって右にある、石川台通用門をご利用ください。No wheelchair access. Please use the Ishikawadai Gate on the right.

石川台通用門 Ishikawadai Gate

石川台通用門(南地区側) Ishikawadai Gate / South Area side


緑が丘通用門 Midorigaoka Gate

Next to the bicycle parking lot at Midorigaoka Station.

西門 West Gate

No wheelchair access. Go out the ticket gate of Midorigaoka Station and turn right.